1,000 Game Levels 2
1,000 Game Levels 2.iso
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Text File
306 lines
│(c) 1993-95 Pedro Sander Software
│Release date: 03-22-1995
This game may be distributed freely, but please drop me a note by email with
comments and suggestions. The game is provided "as is" and I am not
resposible for any damage resulted from the use of this software.
Arcade Paddle was developed in QuickBasic 4.5. The documentation of the
libraries I used allow me to distribute this game as freeware. This program
is not for commercialization.
Special Thanks to Brian Risinger for the infinite number of suggestions.
Many of them were implemented in this version.
The objective of Arcade Paddle is to score goals in the opponent's net.
You can play against the computer, against other human player, or simply
watch two computer players play each other. Move the paddle all around
the screen and try to direct the ball toward the net. But that is not it,
Arcade Paddle has a number of features, listed bellow, to make your game
much more enjoyable.
Commands: (For 2-player mode, make sure NUM LOCK is on)
Left player: Q W E
WHITE A S D F Only W, S, X for non-horizontal game
Z X C F is to release the ball if grab is on
Right player: 7 8 9
GREEN 4 5 6 + Only 8, 5, 2 for non-horizontal game
1 2 3 + is to release the ball if grab is on
Pause: P (press P again to resume play)
New ball (if the ball gets stuck somehow): N
Quit game: B
When you run paddle.exe and the main menu is displayed, you can:
-Start a game with the current setup
-Set up the game options
-Read the documentation
-Quit Arcade Paddle
The game screen has a field in which the action takes place. At the top of
the screen there is an information line, which contains the score and time
left in seconds.
To move your paddle, just hit the command keys listed above. Don't hold
the key! Simply press it once, and the paddle will move to the desired
direction until you press another key to change the direction. To quit the
game press B. If the ball gets stuck, press N for a new ball, and to pause,
press P (press P again to resume play).
When you enter the setup menu, you have the following choices:
Number of Players:
0 means two computer players will play each other.
1 means you will play a computer player and 2 is for two human players.
3 is for practice, with no opponent in the rink.
Left and Right Players:
If the players are human, type the name of the player, otherwise input
the number of the computer player from a list.
Version 3's most interesting improvement on my opinion is Computer player
modules. Instead of choosing a difficulty, which changes only the opponent's
speed, you select your opponent from a list of computer players included with
the game. Players have a name that usually reflects their ability (ie. you
wouldn't expect that a player called "Defenseman" would attack too much).
There is a number of player attributes so that every player has his very own
game style. To get more modules, email me and make sure you give me some
feedback on how you like the game.
A computer module maker is being developed and will be available shortly.
Game Time:
In seconds. If the game ties, it goes to sudden death overtime.
Paddles and Nets . . .
Go to the paddles and nets setup menu.
Special Features . . .
Go to the special features setup menu.
Colors . . .
Will take you to the color setup menu. From there you can change the
colors of everything. If you want to make something invisible, just
make its color equal to the background color.
The following options are from the paddles and nets setup menu:
Net type:
Type 0 is a hockey net inside the field.
Type 1 is on the wall.
Left and Right net sizes:
Self explanatory.
Left and Right paddle sizes:
Self explanatory.
Allow horizontal paddle moves:
If this is set to on, the paddle will move all around the screen, as opposed
to only up and down on defense.
Paddle only stays on defensive zone:
Paddle only stays behind the defensive offside line.
Human Player Paddle Speed:
From 1-10. Previously 1-20. That doesn't mean it can't go as fast. The old
20 is equivalent to the new 10.
The following options are from the special features setup menu:
Intruders On and Speed:
If set to on, two paddles will be moving along to disturb the game by hitting
the ball. You can set their speed too.
Mid-field wall opening size:
If you set this to on, it will draw a vertical wall in the middle of the
screen. There will be a opening in the middle which will let the ball
through. You can set its size.
Shot Power Ratio:
This is the ratio of the paddles shot power. If higher, the more powerful
player one's shot power is in comparison to player two.
There are two types of gravity. Type 1 pulls down, and type 2 pulls to the
center. Use 0 for no gravity.
Beeps On:
Put Yes if you want to hear the clicks of the bouncing beall.
If you have a Sound Blaster card installed, it will automatically detect it.
Offside On:
If on, vertical markers will be displayed to mark an imaginary line. If
you get past the offensive line before the ball does you are offside.
A paddle in offside will be displayed in red and it won't hit the ball.
Rings On:
Rings appear as small circles on the screen during the game. The first player
to reach it with the paddle will have an advantage over the other player,
which varies according to the type of ring. A ring looses effect after the
time expired or the team with the advantage scores a "power play goal".
Rings included on this version:
-Speed ring: Speeds up your paddle two times as fast - lasts 10 seconds
-Freeze ring: Freezes the opponent's paddle - 5 seconds
-Double ring: Adds a paddle that moves vertically close to the net - 20 secs
-Shot Ring: After you get it, the next shot is 2.5 times faster than usual
Note that rings only work if horizontal moves are allowed.
More rings to come on future versions! Email me with suggestions.
Extra Paddle On:
Adds an extra paddle moving vertically on defense. Same as the double ring,
except that it is there for the whole game, and goals scored don't count
as double ring goals.
Tunnels On:
The four tunnels are red lines located on the top and bottom limits of the
field. If a ball hits a tunnel, it will disapear and go out through another
tunnel. Interesting, specially if you get good at it is easier to score.
Computer players are ignorant when dealing with rings. They might catch the
ring but don't know how to take advange of it.
Grab On:
If set to on, when the paddle touches the ball, the ball sticks to it until
you press the release key, or more than five seconds go by and you are
behind your opponen't offside markers. If the ball hits the very edge of
the paddle, it won't grab. Note: Computer players don't use grab.
Grab is not available with hockey nets.
At the end of the game a summary is displayed, with the time of each goal and
if it was during a "power play" ring advantage. Then it displays all the ring
opportunities and ring goals scored, so that you can figure out your "power
play percentage". You can save the game summary to a file. If the file already
exists, it appends to the end, so that you can keep a record of games in the
same file. Don't change the numbers that appear in the file below the game
stats!!! They will be of use by the utility that is being developed to show
player's statistics from a summary file.
Information, comments, suggestions and contributions send email to:
Pedro Sander
The history of the game follows.
Until version 2.1 the game was distributed with the name PADDLE GAME.
Version 1.0
Not very interesting!
Version 1.3
No more need of CAPS LOCK
Ball striking horizontal direction correction
Two "intruders" added in version C
Game type changed from numbers to letters
No more Reset Vertical Velocity feature
Other small bugs corrected
Version 2.0
Version D with 4 player mode
Better "Game Over" screen
Continued motion after striking ball
Ball strike corrections on V direction
Randomized ball direction after goal
Less blinking when gets in OT
Set game time in version A
More CAPS LOCK corrections
Version 2.1 (12-12-1993)
Computer players on Game D
Games instead of Version letters for different types of games
Version 3.0 (Mid-1994)
Instead of difficulty level, computer player modules are used
Cool menu interface
Only game mode C with option of disable horizontal scroll keys
Sound Blaster sound when: Game starting, goals, game over
Clicks when ball hits something
Put press any key to start game
Press B to quit during play
Attack cant go as close to the net as defense can
Version 3.1 (10-08-1994)
Small bugs from the big number of 3.0 new features fixed
In smarthit, vertical velocity increases as well
Minimum ball speed decreased (it can almost stop)
Shot Power Ratio!
Option remove intruders
Training section fixed
Paddles and background colors changed
Version 3.2 (10-13-1994)
Sizeable Net
Hockey like net added
Ball comes from better angle on Practice
Players go all around the field if it is hockey net
Intruders are stronger (harder for balls to pass through)
Adjusted computer players to hockey like net
Configuration screen much improved
Speed on human players!
No beeps option
Version 4.0 (03-22-1995)
800x600 SVGA resolution!!
Power play rings!!!
Grab Ball!!
Nets and paddles sizes independently configured for each player
Ball is filled with its color
Reset paddle coordinates after goal
Complete Game Summary with ring goals/advantages and goal times
Pause Game (took a while!)
0 players: Computer vs. Computer
Computer player small bugs fixed
Paddle speed range changed to 0-10 (10 still equivalent to what 20 was)
Timer doesn't freeze in a certain second anymore
Ball speed after goal is random
Redraws the walls every second, no scratches
Computer player names changed
"Ball rolls out of screen" bug fixed
Much Improved setup, including colors
Configurable wall in the middle of the screen
Fades in and out in some menus
Small bugs corrected
Slows down the game if CPU is too fast (DX4, Pentium ...)
VOCS after goals removed
Sound Blaster automatically detected and used during game
No more SmartHit ON/OFF setup. SmartHit is always on.